Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Share Assembly file accross multiple project inside a solution

Here is a nice article which explains - how to share an assembly info file accross multiple projects on a same solution.

1. Keep the common Assembly file inside a common solution folder
2. from each project, add a link to this shared assembly file.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

{Error}.Net clients consuming web services through proxy

Today I was working on orbital payment tech Add profile service. When I tried to connect payment tech service from a console test application it worked. When I test the service from a web application, it started giving error - the remote name cannot be resolved.
To resolve this issue, include the proxy configuration settings on the client config file.

Please refer the article: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/318140

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

devenv opens older version of visual studio IDE

Devenv lets you set various options for the integrated development environment (IDE), and also build, debug, and deploy projects, from the command line.
However build related tasks, it is recommended to use Msbuild tasks

I use devenv command to start the VS IDE. While using this command from Run window, if multiple instance of Visual studio IDE s are installed on the machine, sometimes it opens the older version.

As an example, on my machine I have both VS2005 and 2008 installed. When I run “devenv” on the run command, it opens VS2005 IDE.

To open VS 2008, what I did,
  1. Open the registry editor – type regedit on the Run window
  2. Navigate to the path : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\devenv.exe
  3. Currently it is configured to open VS 2005. Update the registry key Default, to switch the mapping from VS 2005 to 2008
Old Default key value: $\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe
New Default key value: $\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe

Monday, July 18, 2011

MS SQL: Create database diagram

Today for some presentation purpose, I have to generate database diagram for a MS SQL schema. The task involves,
  1. Open the SQL server management studio
  2. Navigate to the Object explorer window.
  3. Navigate to database folder and from the tree node select the database schema node.
  4. Beneath the database schema node, find the database diagrams node.
  5. Right click on the node. Click on the option create a new database design diagram.
  6. Use the Add table dialog box to add existing table to the database diagram.

CSS style precedence

Working with CSS styles sometimes is a pain. Need to know how exactly the styles are applied to each control. One of my friends (Rohit Raj) pointed me to this blog. This blog very well explains the style precedence in CSS.


This document very well explains the three important aspects that control which style needs to be applied to a control.

  • Specificity Calculations
  • Inheritance
  • The Cascade

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If you use a local instance of MongoDB, you might be a great fan of Robo3T. However, if you are using Mongo Atlas, the Atlas web interface p...

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